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WEBINAR: Defining the concept on fair pricing for medicines

July 20, 2020
Webex Webinar

WEBINAR: Defining the concept on fair pricing for medicines
9:00 am CET
Prof. Suerie Moon, Co-Director of the Global Health Centre, Geneva Graduate Institute

From Suerie et al (2020)
Medicines … “are not ordinary goods. The price of a medicine should allow for meeting the societal need for that product. Sellers often have strong price setting power, however, when need is greatest. For new medicines, monopoly power strengthens a seller’s position. These characteristics mean that government intervention is often needed to ensure a fair price. Here we describe a conceptual framework for assessing whether a medicine’s price is fair. The framework was initially developed for … the WHO Advisory Group on Fair Pricing … Increased clarity about a fair price, we argue, can help to achieve it.”